Sunday, 26 June 2011

I'll be back

Bad news!

I'm gonna be busy these 3 days. So, no update ar!

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Le Spit-Talking

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Le Cockroach

STORYLINE BY: Chew Soon Siong

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Le Words Are Fun

brotip: kalau nak cakap tu biar terang. nanti salah faham susah!  

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

How Dark Knight Should End

Somewhat related and funny

Don't really have time yet to make comic. Watch this first.
I'm so sorry.

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Le Riddle

What do Chinese call an Indian who runs very fast?

Clue: Chinese accent & Typical Indian name

Riddle taken from Rashid


So i was looking for an original copy of Grand Theft Auto San Adreas in a game shop.

There weren't any on the shelves, so I asked the shop assistant.

She said, "I've not heard of that one, can you describe it to me?"

"It's the one with the black guy who drives around with an iron bar, fucking whores, crashing cars and evading police," I answered.

She then brought out a copy of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2010 

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Le Mysterious Poop

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Le 1.8M

Created by TOLOLZ for Le Troll's View

Le Choking

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Le Awsm Machine

nak tau tengok sendiri la bai.

it's a machine to lift up the liquid-like solids without changing the shape of the materials. I enjoy watching the sauce being lifted up and put back like for I didn't count how many times. It would be a fun toy mang!

Cool Shiat

I wang to play with this thing! So cool mang. Play twist2, connect here and there can make music liao! 


I can't trace the source. I didn't make this. Credits to the creator!

Le All Nighter


This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Le Bright Americans

You must watch this video. Seriously WTF! They are just trolling right? I can't even tell they are trolling or just plain stupid ignorant.

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Le Skip

Brotherhood is so strong in this story. I can't go class all by myself and leave my friends sleeping don't I?

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Le Notebook

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Le Chips

The story is liddis. Watch movie on laptop with headphones on while eating chips. You can't hear shit except the crunching sound of the chips in your mouth.

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Le Bed

Everytime I wake up in the morning, my bed is in total mess. I wonder what happened at night.

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Le Quiz

My phone shutter sound is so loud. And I can't turn off the shutter sound. I've covered the speaker with my finger but it was still loud.

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Le Who Was That?!!

True story. Happened many times already. Still a mystery for me. Who was that??!!

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Le -Insert Title Here-

Tried to troll my friend, in the end troll'd by the lecturer.

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.