Sunday, 8 May 2011

Le Line of Blood

"Sharp cleaver is sharp"

Hi all. This blog has 2 followers now. Pretty excited about it.

This entry would be another story of me living my mundane life. Not really exciting, don’t have much to talk about, but some funny, stupid and facepalm-worthy incidences could add some flavor to it.

Let’s get it started.

It was quite a long time ago, the young me, doing some cleaning and cutting out the unwanted plants around the fence of the house. You know, doing this stuff gonna make you feel itchy since the bugs or insects that are small enough that you can’t even see them putting some ‘itch cream’ on you.

Le itch face

So, while I was getting the job done, my left forearm started to feel itchy. Natural reaction, when you feel itchy, you scratch it. But when you are holding a cleaver in your hand, you ought to be careful. Unfortunately, nobody told me about this.

Back then, I was holding a cleaver at my right hand and my left forearm feels itchy. So, what did I do? Logically, I would scratch my left forearm with my right hand right? That was exactly what I did. The cleaver also wanted to help me scratch. With such ‘pleasure’, I felt the cleaver made a long bloody line along my forearm. What a great feeling indeed!

So, next time, put away the cleaver before you scratch the itch affected area.

This is TOLOZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

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