"Doubt. It makes you busy with uncertainty."
Human is a doubtful creature. This doubt is keeping you busy thinking the same thing over and over until you give up. Until you don't give a flying fuck about that matter. Why the hell did I tell you the thing you already know? Haish.. Since I already typed it, I don't want to delete that sentence. Just ignore it.
So talking about doubt, for all of the times, why would it come during examination? Why would it nicely choose this time? God really likes to play with us, humans.
Im sure this happens to you for most of the time, or at least once. You were answering objective questions in test, blackened the answer sheets, the A/B/C/D/E (sometimes you got 5 possible answers), and then you find out.... you have blackened B for 10 questions consecutively.
This is when your doubt kicks in. SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG!! Then you check again your answers.. Reread the questions. Maybe you decided to change your answer or maybe not. In the end, you fakap your test.
This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.
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