Friday, 6 May 2011

Le ToLOLz Series 3

"To err is human"

Ohai there readers.

As you know it, this series will features the facepalm-worthy moments throughout my entire life. So, in this episode I am going to disclose this moment of OMG-what-have-I-done during my visit to Aquaria.

The story start here. After this dot right here ==>.  

Okay, so it was me, my mum, and my sister-in-law went to the Aquaria. Well, for first timer I can't help getting excited looking at the sharks, napoleon fish, and some more gigantic fishes I never seen before. Some funny looking fishes were there to entertain us.

Then, there was a bunch of secondary schoolers having their school trip. Chinese. So, we were as normal visitor would do, expressing our excitement while looking at the fishes. 

Then, we went to see the jellyfish. You know at Aquaria, the jellyfishes are placed in the transparent aquarium which you can actually see through clearly the other people at the other side of the glass. But at first I thought it is somewhat a reflective glass or in other word a mirror.

 So, while looking at the jellyfishes, I saw a schoolgirl at the other side of the glass which I thought was the reflected image from the glass. The face looks familiar to me. So, instead of looking at the jellyfish, I looked straight at the face of the girl, you know to make sure it was not someone I know. That time, I thought it was okay since I was looking at her image in the mirror. 

The position is somewhat like this.
Then the girl started to realize that I was staring at her. She moved away. I was like. WTF. THIS SHIT WAS NOT A MIRROR! 

I guess, I scared her off.

end of story. buh bye! thank you for reading!

This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

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