This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.
Monday, 13 June 2011
Le Chips
This is TOLOLZ, reporting for Le Troll's View.

- n a s e h a said...
i love watching movie with subtitles
i have to
sebab kadang2 accent diorang tah pape
wow follower dah sampai 13 !
OMG i buat blog since 2008 pun follower baru 13
everyone loves wan ! -
13 June 2011 at 17:53
- TOLOLZ said...
ur blog need to time to read. u did write a lot.
ni jawab essay mesti x cukup kertas. >_<
13 followers but but u r not one of them!
u forgot to add another 6 from fb followers! -
13 June 2011 at 20:02
- n a s e h a said...
yeah i know because i love to membebel but no one wants to hear so i write it
kesian tak ?
eh takdela manede tak cukup kertas
my essay paling pendek sebab tulisan kecik
okay fine 13 plus 6
so now u got 19 followers
OMG everyone really loves you
i dont love you enough kot thats why i dont follow u ?
:p -
13 June 2011 at 20:57
- TOLOLZ said...
kalo dgt u membebel bnyk tu mmg berdarah ar telinga. i think u better membebel at ur blog. for the sake of others.
i dont love you enough kot thats why i dont follow u ?
a statement or a question. follow la, baru bnyk sket follower. XD -
13 June 2011 at 21:58
- n a s e h a said...
jahat gilaaaaaa
macam nak tenyeh
a statement pastu dramatic sikit letak question mark
i tak follow blog orang la
see my blog
i just letak link kat tepi tu je
jangan nangis eh ?
:) -
13 June 2011 at 22:06
- TOLOLZ said...
x baik tau selfish.
x pe x pe. x nk follow x pe. nak wat cane org x sudi :( -
13 June 2011 at 22:30
- n a s e h a said...
please dont be sad
i buy u lolipop
okay ?
haha -
13 June 2011 at 22:44
- TOLOLZ said...
13 June 2011 at 22:48